About The Goldendale Senior Center

Over the decades The Goldendale Senior Center has provided many services to its members and seniors in the Goldendale environs. People rented the main hall for weddings, family reunions, civic gatherings and musical events. The game room had card players on regularly scheduled Wednesdays, as well as bingo, birthday parties, meetings of various interest groups, a green room for visiting performers playing in the hall and a space to work on a good puzzle once in awhile

About Our Mission

Our mission is still pretty much the same as all along. Since its inception the GSC has been fulfilling its mission to provide clean, healthy spaces for seniors to gather to socialize or engage in pastimes and other entertainments to enjoy.

Outside of its mission to provide a place, the GSC volunteers have always had a heavy commitment to social networking through managed activities that encouraged various interest groups among our membership to explore their shared interests from pastimes to crafts to educational projects and more.

All these years people have talked about crops and the weather, traded news and gossip, posited speculations, swapped recipes, and exchanged tips on fixing all kinds of machinery. A myriad of data exchanges from trivial to extremely important happening trough a bit of socializing here and there at the center over the decades.

It has also been part of our mission to help provide opportunities for volunteers, not only at the center, but also in our city and county, through the networking opportunities volunteering anywhere can bring about.

Our little book nook is always stocked with a variety categories, comfy couches along with a take one add one section and another section full of volumes that are please-take-me-home free. It is our humble way to help actualize our mission to encourage continuing education in the lives of our members as well as provide the entertainment good books can give. Plus, books never need a re-charge.

About the GSC board of directors

Our organization is managed by a council of seven consisting of the usual post of president, vp, secretary, and treasurer and three council members at large who each focus on projects the group has in the works at any given time.

About The S.T.O.R.E

The Center also has a small thrift store featuring items donated to it. It is staffed entirely by volunteers and all proceeds go to help GSC

About Our Town

Goldendale, WA is a small town nestled in between the bottom of Satus Pass and the grade down, to or up from, the Columbia River depending on your direction on the highway that goes by on the east side of our town.

The main economic sectors are animal husbandry, live stock, wheat farming, and now, with the arrival of the windmills, energy.

Recent Updates

Our New Domain

The Goldendale Senior Center has been run by a 501(c)3 non-profit group for decades now and it was about time we got our very own web domain.

Our Services

For many, many years the Goldendale Senior Center has been a place for members to gather for a variety of activities of assorted interest groups within its main body.

We have registered this domain to expand our services to the web to provide one more avenue for members to stay in touch digitaly and perhaps provide some useful data points to the world at large as they surf on by.

Community Lunches

Lunches are served promptly at noon every Tuesday and Thursday thanks to Klickitat County Senior Services and their astounding kitchen staff who also do wheels on meals.

About Our Author

This web template from Free CSS Templates was repurposed by that mysterious Under-assistant Goldendale Senior Center Internet Communications Director who hunted, pecked and cussed at a keyboard for hours on end over an entire weekend in order to mold that lovely template into the web site you see here.


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